Technical Resources
Over 80 publications with 58 listed in Google Scholar and over 1200 citations.
Seidel, JP and Ahmadi, H. (2020) Considerations for design installation and testing of steel pipe piles with internal steel plates. Accepted for publication at the DFI-PFSF Piling & Ground Improvement Conference, March 2020 (postponed)
Seidel, JP (2018) The Normalized Bearing Graph and Dynamic Reduction Function Concepts in Pile Acceptance. DFI-EFFC International Conference on Deep Foundations and Ground Improvement, Rome, Italy, June.
Seidel, JP (2018) The Importance of Energy Evaluation on an Individual Pile Basis. DFI-EFFC International Conference on Deep Foundations and Ground Improvement, Rome, Italy, June.
Seidel, J.P. (2015). Enhanced Use of Dynamic Pile Testing in Foundation Engineering. 12th Australia New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics.
Seidel, J.P. (2015). Overview of The Role of Testing and Monitoring in the Verification of Driven Pile Foundations. 12th Australia New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics.
Look, BG and Seidel, JP. (2015) Macro Standard Penetration Test measurements examined with a micro-scale PDM device. 12th Australia New Zealand Conference in Geomechanics, Wellington, NZ.
Look, BG, Seidel, JP, Sivakumar, ST, Welikala, DLC. (2015). Real-time monitoring of SPT using a PDM device–The Failings of our Standard Test revealed. International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Look, Burt G, Seidel, JP, Sivakumar, ST, Welikala, DLC. (2015). Standard penetration test measurement variations exposed using a digital PDM device. International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, ICGE, Colombo. Vol. No. pp. 451-454.
Seidel, JP. (2014) Enhancing the Interpretation of the SPT test. Keynote presentation. Fourth International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials, and Environment, Brisbane, Australia.
John Pak, CH, Danny Chung, KC, Hammus Chui, WM, Romeo Yiu, FH, Seidel, JP. (2013). Innovative method for remote measurement of pile set and temporary compression of driven H-piles in Hong Kong. HKIE Transactions. Vol. 20 No. 1 pp. 71-78. Taylor & Francis
Gu, XF, Seidel, JP, Haberfield, CM, Bouazza, A. (2005). Wear of sandstone surfaces during direct shear testing of sandstone/concrete joints. Advances in Deep Foundations. 1-14.
Gu, XF, Seidel, JP, Haberfield, CM, Bouazza, A. (2004). Comparison of shear behavior between siltstone/concrete and sandstone/concrete joints. Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium 2004. Vol. No. pp. 971-976. Millpress
Schubert, W, Gu, XF, Seidel, JP; Haberfield, CM, Bouazza, A. (2004). Engineering properties of Sydney Hawkesbury sandstone. European Rock Mechanics Symposium 2004.
Chin, VBL and Seidel, JP. (2004). An experimental study in the viscous damping response of the pile-clay interfaces. In Proceedings of the 7th Int. Conf. on the Appl. of Stress-Wave Theory to Piles (pp. 435-446).
Seidel, JP; (2004). Compliance testing of piles. International Geotechnical and Pavements Engineering Conference, 2nd, 2004, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Seidel, JP, Haberfield, CM. (2002). A theoretical model for rock joints subjected to constant normal stiffness direct shear. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. Vol. 39, No. 5 pp. 539-553. Pergamon
Seidel, J.P. (2002). Reliability concepts in LRFD Design, or what is a reasonable factor of safety? Accepted U.S. Deep Foundations Institute, Fulcrum.
Seidel, JP, Haberfield, CM. (2002). Laboratory testing of concrete-rock joints in constant normal stiffness direct shear. Geotechnical Testing Journal. Vol. 25, No. 4 pp. 391-404. ASTM International
Seidel, JP., Collingwood, B. (2001). A new socket roughness factor for prediction of rock socket shaft resistance. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. Vol. 38, No. 1 pp. 138-153. NRC Research Press Ottawa, Canada
Seidel, J.P (2001). PDA Testing and effective quality assurance. Keynote lecture, 5th International Conference on Deep Foundation Practice. Singapore. 5-6 April 2001.
Seidel, J.P. (2001) PDA testing – opening the black box: issues of effective quality assurance. Concrete Piling for the New Millennium. Invited lecture, Concrete Institute of Australia. Sydney, February 21, 2001.
Seidel, J.P. (2000). The need for quality assurance in the dynamic pile testing industry. 6th Intl. Conf. on Application of Stress-wave Theory to Piles. Sao Paulo, Brazil, Sept. 2000. Dr. Seidel was invited chair for the workshop on quality assurance.
Haberfield, CM, Seidel, JP. (1999). Some recent advances in the modeling of soft rock joints in direct shear. Geotechnical & Geological Engineering. Vol. 17 (3-4 ) 177-195. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Bouazza, A, Seidel, JP. (1999). Foundation design on municipal solid waste. Proceedings 8th Australia New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics: Consolidating Knowledge. Vol. No. pp. 235. Australian Geomechanics Society
Seidel, JP, Haberfield, CM. (1995). Towards an understanding of joint roughness. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. Vol. 28, No. 2 pp. 69-92. Springer-Verlag.
Seidel, JP, Haberfield, CM. (1995). The application of energy principles to the determination of the sliding resistance of rock joints. Rock mechanics and rock engineering. Vol. 28, No. 4 pp. 211-226. Springer-Verlag
Seidel, JP, Haberfield, CM. (1995). The axial capacity of pile sockets in rocks and hard soils. Ground Engineering. Vol. 28 (2) : 33-38
Seidel, JP, Anderson, GD, Morrison, NJ. (1992). The effects of pile relaxation on toe capacity and stiffness. International Conference on the Application of Stress-wave-theory to Piles. pp. 619-626.
Seidel, JP, Klingberg, DJ. (1992). The instantaneous liquefaction of silty soils during installation of displacement piles. International Conference on the application of Stress-wave theory to Piles. pp. 153-158.
Chapman, GA, Wagstaff, JP, and Seidel, JP. (1991) The effect of bitumen slip coating in the driveability of precast concrete piles. In Proceedings of the Deep Foundations Institute’s 4th International Conference on Piling and Deep Foundations, Stresa, April 7-12.
Seidel, JP, Haustorfer, IJ, Plesiotis, S. (1988). Comparison of dynamic and static testing for piles founded into limestone. Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Applications of Stress-wave Theory to Piles, Ottawa. pp. 717-723.
Seidel, JP; Plesiotis, S; (1985). Two case histories of dynamic testing of piles. Seminar on Practices and Developments in Bridge Design, 1985, Brisbane, Australia
Seidel, J, Rausche, F. (1984). Correlation of static and dynamic pile tests on large diameter drilled shafts. International Conference on the Application of Stress Wave Theory on Piles, 2nd, 1984, Stockholm, Sweden.
Rausche, F, Seidel, J. (1984). Design and performance of dynamic tests of large-diameter drilled shafts. Proceedings, Second International Conference on the Application of Stress-Wave Theory to Piles. pp. 27-30. May
Pile Dynamics Inc. is the world leader in Quality Assurance Systems for the Deep Foundation Industry. PDI has attributed many valuable technical papers in the field of quality assurance for deep foundation. Visit the PDI website for more information.