CAPWAP® (Case Pile Wave Analysis Program) is a software program that estimates the total bearing capacity of a pile or shaft, as well as resistance distribution along the shaft and at the toe. The program inputs the force and velocity data obtained with a Pile Driving Analyzer® (PDA) system to perform a soil resistance test. It is essential to post-process PDA data with CAPWAP® for at least one foundation element per job. CAPWAP® completes the Dynamic Load Testing procedure and simulates a Static Load Test to determine the deep foundation capacity.
CAPWAP® 2014 has improved features for the analysis of drilled shafts and other concrete piles, such as variable time increment/wave speed, an automatic routine to calculate variable impedance and area calculations based on field measurements. The program includes a completely automated mode as well as adjustable parameters with which the user systematically improves the calculated results of the pile capacity test. CAPWAP® works in English, Metric, or SI units, and features numerous help features that have been expanded for the 2014 version. A comprehensive report is a new output option.
The CAPWAP® manual introduces the user to the wave equation theory and signal-matching procedure on which the program is based.
CAPWAP® is the industry state-of-practice tool to establish the pile capacity. Read a keynote lecture on the Correlation between CAPWAP® results and actual Static Load Test results.
“Just sitting here at my PC carrying out one of countless CAPWAP® analyses and just thought I would say thank you to you both for the development of the program from the first version to the current one – I must say the AQ feature is my favorite it saves a lot of time and gives great results – any way – thank you both and thank you to anyone else involved in the development of the CAPWAP® program.” ~ Michael L Knightley, Director, Pile Analysis, Ltd
Visit the PDI Website for more information.